## 《两小儿辩日》原文与翻译### 一、 简介《两小儿辩日》选自《列子·汤问》,讲述了孔子路遇两小儿争辩太阳远近的故事,文章短小精悍,却富有哲理,阐明了学无止境、不可囿于成见的道理。### 二、 原文孔子东游,见两小儿辩斗,问其故。一儿曰:“我以日始出时去人近,而日中时远也。”一儿以日初出远,而日中时近也。一儿曰:“日初出大如车盖,及日中则如盘盂,此不为远者小而近者大乎?”一儿曰:“日初出沧沧凉凉,及其日中如探汤,此不为近者热而远者凉乎?”孔子不能决也。两小儿笑曰:“孰为汝多知乎?”### 三、 翻译孔子 eastward traveling, saw two children arguing, asked the reason.One child said: "I think the sun is closer to people when it first rises, and farther away at noon."The other child thought that the sun was farther away at sunrise and closer at noon.One child said: "The sun looks as big as a carriage canopy when it first rises, and at noon it looks like a plate or dish. Doesn't this mean that the farther it is, the smaller it looks, and the closer it is, the bigger it looks?"The other child said: "The sun feels cool and refreshing when it first rises, but at noon it feels like sticking your hand in boiling water. Doesn't this mean that the closer it is, the hotter it feels, and the farther away it is, the cooler it feels?"Confucius could not settle the argument.The two children laughed and said: "Who says you are so knowledgeable?"### 四、 内容详细说明1.


: 春秋时期,孔子周游列国,四处碰壁,心中郁闷。在去往东方齐国的路上,偶遇两小儿在激烈地争辩。 2.




乙认为太阳早晨远中午近,理由是早晨太阳凉,中午太阳热,近热远凉的道理。 3.


: 孔子博学多才,却无法断定谁对谁错,说明即使是圣人,也有知识盲区,体现了孔子谦虚谨慎、实事求是的态度。 4.


: 见到孔子也不能解答,两小儿天真烂漫,笑孔子并非无所不知,也暗示了人们对权威的不迷信。### 五、 文章寓意《两小儿辩日》蕴含着深刻的哲理:


: 世界无限广阔,知识永无穷尽,即使是博学如孔子,也有无法解答的问题。


: 看待问题要全面、辩证,不能被表面现象所迷惑,要敢于质疑,勇于探索。


: 每个人都有自己的长处和不足,要虚心向他人学习,才能不断进步。这篇文章通过一个简单的故事,传递出深刻的道理,至今仍具有重要的现实意义。

标签: 《两小儿辩日》原文和翻译